I kinda liked arnold in Mr freeze, but thats just me..i would like to see mr freeze re-done, but to agree with the other posts, i believe they are trying to make the batman movies with people that could be real (understand?). Poison Ivy is weak... Robin is just..uhh gay? Penguin..meh Riddler...maybe Talia...fo sho Catwomen..uhh not!. Mad hatter..i could deal Harley..dam, idk after heath idk if there is a person out there that could match it.. Clay..idk about this char Its really hard to see were they go next, since they didnt leave any clues to the next (least i didnt see any of them). So its open, we will just have to wait and see, which ill be patiently waiting ^_^ <--excited
arnold played the exact opposite of the mr. freeze character, but that was only one reason that was the worst batman ever filmed. i want Poison Ivy only if Harley is there since they were great together. i gonna also vote no to Robin and his various names and version, good or bad. Penguin: no one will cover that role better than the 60s show. Riddler, perhaps, Jim Carey...hell no. We are just starting to get batman back....we don't need the Carey dragging it back down. Talia yes. Catwoman...sure as long as it is the comic book version who shoots Black Mask, but then again she isn't a real villan anyway. Mad Hatter i say no. Clay and Freeze yes as long as they are the dark, complicated and mournful comic book versions. Bane would be good, but that could also be dangerously close to some WWE clown like the Rock. i'm still voting on a return of Ra's al Ghul (thanks to ye ole Lazarus Pit) and his organization.
PS: I just saw the film in IMAX. If you have not seen it in IMAX...you are seriously missing out. Go find the closest one and see it...the big screen just isn't big enough to hold bats and mr. j.
Man. I was such a huge Jack fan as the Joker and quite frankly, all the previews of the Dark Knight made Heath's version seem a bit.... Out of place. ...... But omg, after watching the movie.... He MADE that movie as amazing as it was. Well Done Heath!
Robin is stupid. Riddler i'm not crazy about as the ridiculous Carrey version is stupid as well. It did not qualify as acting. If done in a Zodiac Killer style, that may be a possibility. Like if you didn't see him throughout the movie, just a glimpse here and a riddle here it might work. That would help to show how Batman got his detective skills.
I'd analyze this statement but then it would turn into a heated argument, so I shall conclude with: I'm sorry our opinions differ.
Please elaborate on why you think Robin would be appropriate during the beginning phases of Batman's career? As a character, he's a kid that chases after batman and want to be like him cause he has no family. It's not like he's going to be nightwing for god sakes. And if you believe that the Carrey version of the Riddler was good, well I've got a few bridges to sell you...
I love The Riddler. I honestly think if done right, Nolan could create something that The Joker was in The Dark Knight. But Robin is just unnecessary, especially in this series of movies. Why does Batman need help from a 16 year old?
I agree there really is no need for robin in these movies, but the sad part about all the new movies to come is that they will not be as good as the Dark Knight. Any way if there is a next one I hope itsz the penguin
See, I was hoping they would do something like Batman Begins. I wanted to see some fat fuck in a suit at the end of the movie
Saw it today Great movie, and while heath's acting was spot on, he doesn't seem "irreplaceable". Some nitpickings but joker doesn't seem insane enough or violent. He did kill Robin by beating him to death. Lots of unexplained events as well but nothing to really ruin it. Joker is probably the most popular bat villain, so a sequel probably wouldn't be as good as Dark Knight. Bane and Azrael would be interesting, but its way too early for Knightfall. Other popular characters like Penguin and catwoman would seem out of place in Nolan's vision, but I think Riddler would be okay...no Carey though...maybe Spacey. The arkham roster is quite long though, so there's plenty to pick from. I like the Ventriloquist but it would feel like a mashup of two-face. The third does need two villains as nolan seems to be continuing the tradition from Batman returns. Poisom ivy and harley LOL Oh here's an idea for detective work-i forget the guy's name but he kills members of his family and mutilates himself for every kill...not too batman-y but thrillerish.
I think they briefly had him in Batman Begins on trial. I think his name is Mr. Zsaz Zsaz, though I may be mispelling that. I dunno, my brother is the Batman buff, not me, and I just go by what he's told me. It's too bad that it's too late, I would have liked to see Kiefer Sutherland as the Joker. I could kind of see him as the Mad Hatter, though. Honestly, the only reason I like to bring up Bane is because I really hate the onscreen treatment he was given in the past. In the comics he was a freakin' genius, but for some reason they made him some 'tard (using an apostraphe makes "'tard" politically correct, right?) in spandex.
Batman will probably spend a good deal of time fixing his rep in the next one as well, with the help of the new commish of course. Most likely more mob dealies with a few "super" villains thrown in to mix things up. Mob-related villains (Two-Face?) I'm guessing.