Top Legion on the Server

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Shinjo

    Shinjo Guest

    Nice one guys, the EU team will just have to catch you guys up ;)
  2. Serph

    Serph Banned

    The problem with ap is as soon as ppl start out lvling the abyss our ap will slow down. Here is the delima do u grind ap to keep guild rank up or do u go lvl. I know we can always go to upper abyss to grind but xp there doesn't compare to fire temple.
  3. Guantis

    Guantis Guest

    I was pulled into healing a proggy 10 man Ony last night that lasted 3 hours too long :( Between wipes I would hit the Orange plant and jack a few crabs. +15 Vitality and about 8 bars of xp.

    The best part was healing through 3 wipes with 0 dur on my gear. Ooops. Was too focused on grinding in aion during wipes than what was going on in the wow raid.
  4. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    This is exactly why the rankings are poo-poo in my opinion. Merely a PvE yardstick that shows which guild can grind on mobs longest in the Abyss. It's too bad everyone holds them in such high regard though, so ignoring them would probably not be an option.
  5. Serph

    Serph Banned

    The advantage we have are our numbers and that we are spread out in lvls as ppl leave the abyss other ppl hit 25 so we have a consistant flow while other guilds don't really have that. And I agree ap should be based on guild pvp not who can grind the most
  6. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    hahahaha That's awesome.
  7. Zyxth

    Zyxth Veteran

    I am not sure where this is coming from. The game is not 100% PVP, and was never intended to be. PVE grinding is a valid way to gain AP, and that AP is as good as the AP earned in PVP. Both are required to be a top ranked guild - which last time I checked was our #1 guild goal.

    Not dissing on your opinion, just pointing out that PVE is part of the game. Dismissing it out of hand is a losing strategy.

    Shoji likes this.
  8. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Oh, I understand hehehe. But being #1 in PvP is a far cry different from being #1 in PvE. Combing the two is like combining oil and water. (Not talking about Aion specifically of course, just in general)

    Yes, PvE AP is valid, but only because Aion measures it that way. PvP AP is MUCH harder to get... And both are NOT required to be a top ranked guild (only either/or). That's my point, the game doesn't differentiate PvE from PvP as far as the rankings go. PvP requires much more organization and skill from it's members. You can afk in any PvE abyss pug group and get AP as well, it doesn't mean you are the better player hehe.

    I think my need for a PvP ranking system will be satiated when fortress takeovers start to be listed heheh. If we're number 1 in fortress takeovers and holdings, that will mean we're really #1. :)
  9. Meh, you can just zerg in PvP and be successful, too, even if you are unskilled. The bigger the group running around PvPing, the less skill each of its individual members needs.

    Now if the only way to get AP was beating people in PvP when you were outmanned/lower level/less geared, then that ranking would be proof of skill. :D Fortress takeovers will have to suffice, though. ;)
  10. Krazy

    Krazy Guest

    I agree with Blackwolf. PvP points is harder but it's more fun! I just do the pve wise to get some extra AP and to level but normally I'll go out and hunt asmos. I'm the only one that actually goes out to kill them. I feel like we are becoming like HnG.. just farming away..
  11. Krazy

    Krazy Guest

    Oh by the way.. you get more AP if you pvp. I got 2.5k AP in 15-20 mins. Try doing that in pvE! =P
  12. Serph

    Serph Banned

    I feel you man I enjoy pvp a lot but you really can't help it we need to grind for ap and that seems to be the only way until we can do forts then if we pwn in forts then like zy said we will be #1
  13. Serph

    Serph Banned

    that's true 7 ap per mob or 30-80 ap per person
  14. Krazy

    Krazy Guest

    I really don't care about charts. No one will ever know if you grinded those pts or pvp'd. The poeple in the server will know who we are and what we do when they see it. We bashed so many guilds cause they "FARM" AP but we are doing exactly the same thing. I mean I don't care either way just I hope we aren't talking crap and not backing it up. Plus you get more AP for pvping. Like I said in 15-20 mins I got 2.5k AP. Can't do that in PvE.

    Well I guess I'm bored since no one really pvps with me. Solo is fun in all but when I get outnumbered 3 to 1 or even 5 to 1.. it geets furstrating.. you might say.. then just stop or quit... but if you read my intro.. I never quit. I will keep coming back till I beat them.

    Just like what I qoute says =) I'm a soldier! I WIN THE FIGHTS! =)
  15. Krazy

    Krazy Guest

    I was getting 250 + per kill. If you go around there are Rank 7-5 peeps running around. They give a lot of AP. The most I got was 350 AP from Rank 5 dude. Was a really good fight too. =)
  16. Paradize

    Paradize Banned

    I go hunting every so often when I started in the abyss. Everytime I went hunting there were either 10 of them grouped up or I just couldn't find anybody, lmfao!!!
  17. Krazy

    Krazy Guest

    eh I usually find a group of 2 - 3. And as sorc that is kinda easy =) There is one time I did find a group of 8. I had my dp skill up so I went in and dp/fllame harpoon one of them = dead then ran for my life. =)
  18. Paradize

    Paradize Banned

    LMFAO!! unfortunately I went up against the only Spiritmaster that was ahead of me at the time that was asmo. yeah I kinda got confused at first and got wasted but about 3 other rangers that came out of nowhere lol!!!
  19. Serph

    Serph Banned

    Lol such a noble kill hit and run
  20. Serph

    Serph Banned

    I noticed that Krazy, paradize and I do a shit load of post during work hours and no post when we get home. I guess u guys do it to kill time also