I don't have the game forums setup yet... but it's late and I need some sleep.. I am going to setup the public groups for each game, which you will gain access to by joining the "XoO members group" Currently dash and I can approve people to that group. As people start to get signed up, we can start to get people setup in their proper groups and game leaders will be able to start approving people to their games. I am only doing our big games at the moment, and I know it's not divided into FPS/RPG/MMO yet. Also the sorting order is not right, but I have it setup this way because the way the categories and sub categories is working, I put the channels I need at the top for now (while were setting things up)
Jeb, I and everyone else thank you very much for your hard work towards getting the XoO forums back up and running. Was it not possible to restore the old forums DB from a backup? EDIT: +1 Rep, now that it is on again!
Great job. Things are looking nice. I have seen one minor error though when you get a chance. In the Guild Wars Recruitment forum, the description for the GW Accepted on Probation sub-forum says "AoC provisional membership granted." As I said, very minor thing and I'm sure there are larger issues that need your attention, just something to put on the "Needs fixing" list.
Good job Good on you guys and just like everyone else said thanks for the effort put in to sort this out.
I also add my thanks here...I was starting to have withdrawl symptoms..I almost went to the AoC kiddie forums for a fix..:0
I sadly become distant with the XoO forums when I was on other games, because I'm not part of XoO-WoW (Sorry, I'm not getting off Earthen Ring, and I wouldn't touch a PvP server with a ten foot pole).
So once the leaders of the games sign up then you'll give them to command of the group for that game and then people can join that group?