Shimun's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Shimun, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Shimun

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): I am 23 years old

    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Both Forum & IGN will be "Shimun"

    3. Location + Timezone: I live and study in Bulgaria(I hope atleast some europeans will now where Bulgaria is :D) and my timezone is GMT +2

    4. Class: I'll be a Spiritmaster

    5. Do you have vent and a mic? : I have vent and a mic

    6. Previous gaming experience: I've played a lot of games - RO, SilkRoad, 2 Moons and a lot more ( I forgot the others :( ) but RF Online was the only game that made me play longer (it's been 2 years since I started playing RF and I'm still a RF addict) compared to the other games which I played maybe for 2 weeks.

    7. Why did you chose XoO: I played on Novus on CM until they shut down, then when CCR announced that they are openning a Global Server I couldn't wait to play RF again. On the global server I'm a member of Sentinel and they are a great guild but CCR destroyed the game and I can't stand it anymore.
    Sentinel are also going to play AION, but on a NA server and it's hard to be in a US guild if you are a european, so I decided to play on a english speaking EU server and was looking for a guild with a gaming history.

    8. Do you have a referal?: No, I don't have a referal

    9. What will you contribute to the guild? The only thing I can contribute to the guild is my loyalty: I'll try to be with you guys until the end as long as my classes and real life do not interfere with my gaming life ;)

    10. A little bit about yourself: Like I said - I'm 23 years old, 3rd year Applied Linguistics(I'm studying 2 foreign languages: English and Japanese - yes I'm a Otaku :cool:).I love Beer ( Beer FTW). I suck at telling jokes but that doesn't mean I have no sense of humor :D

    11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): This is a hard question because it all depends on my classes and how much homework I have, but I would say that I can play maybe 40 hours per week.

    12. Applied to usergroup? Not yet but I'm working on it ;)
  2. Kazzier

    Aug 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Good man !, i wish to study Japanese myself in the future so you may very well have to teach me afew basics :p,

    Anyways....nice application and if you can just wait alittle more for your application to be viewed by other members an officer will shortly contact you.

    Many thanks and good luck,
  3. Eskara
    Veteran FPS Officer

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Reservoir Dam Inspector
    Rhayader, UK
    Hey, thanks for your application. Ive Pmed you the vent details so let me know when you are able to jump on and have a quick chat about the app
  4. Sineth

    Aug 23, 2009
    Likes Received:

    Good luck on the application.