Intro: Good day, I would like to take this opportunity to write an application to your legion. First of all my name is Martijn Geertsma, a 22 year old male from the Netherlands. As stated this is a dual application, the second person is my also 22 year old roommate, Justus Hengefeld. Personal: We consider ourselves to be 2 fun loving guys with serious attitudes which on the other hand can goof a lot. Weve been known for giving certain musical performances on guild ventrilos using a keyboard an mouth harmonicas, and not the good kind of performances. (just give you a little hint of how crazy things might get) We both love to pvp in every game that weve played so far, and Aion has drawn us in by the mix of WoW, GW and L2 gameplay, which we both preordered and are set to go, ill elaborate on the pvp part later on. Gaming We met eachother online playing counter strike(some 5 years ago) and we clicked, shortly after we decided we should hang out, as we have been doing ever since. Had the wildest parties and the sickest lans, we both still lived with our parents at that time. Justus played Lineage2 and persuaded me to join him, which was the first ever MMO for me. Which obviously showed me what grinding was ;'). Then came along World of Warcraft, which we both played avidly, going from rank 10 in vanilla to hardcore PvE and arenaing, in which we both did well, all this alongside eachother. In between we had a small break to play WAR, which didnt fullfill our needs, so back to WoW it was, came 2nd to clearing naxx serverwise (WotLK, 4th clearing Ulduar (after Method and Kill Loot Repeat, both known guilds, serverwise aswell). Achieved 2400ish ratings in arena, and then started craving for some more raw PvP, which we found in some L2 priv servers. Now we both played Aion in the last CBTs and this Open Beta, and we both fell in love with the game, its everything weve hoped for and more. Which brings us to the point of both looking to find a legion, focussed on using ventrilo and getting everything out of the game there is to get. Which in our opinion is Xen of Onslaught. Communication As far as gaming goes for us we have been using ventrilo since counter strike, since WoW weve only been part of top ranking guilds / clans so using ventrilo comes naturally for us. Us both being very talkative and active on ventrilo makes the mandatory usage of ventrilo a must for us. We allways log on vt before logging the game, or even just to come and chat and see whats up when were not playing( not likely that were not ) Hoping to have informed sufficiently for now, here comes the sheet :') 1. Age (18+ Requirement): both 22 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Jackrevolver / Reason , Justified 3. Location + Timezone: GMT+1 the Netherlands 4. Class: Assassin or Ranger (undecided) and Sorcerer 5. Do you have vent and a mic? Yes 6. Previous gaming experience: CS1.6 (national team), COD4 (casual med/high), Lineage2 retail and priv, WoW since day1 till 1 month ago, WAR, GW 7. Why did you chose XoO: We chose XoO because of their goals and environment. 8. Do you have a referal?: Sadly, no 9. A little bit about yourself: Should be adressed above 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 40+ by far 11. Applied to usergroup? yes -Martijn Geertsma -Justus Hengefeld
Small update, I, Martijn, have been pondering on what class to play, still trying to decide between Ranger / Assassin and Spirit Master. I was not that into SM but since this last open beta I found myself falling more and more in love with it. Hoping to hear from you guys soonish, Martijn
Hey and welcome to the forums.Wish you good luck with your application.I am sure someone will contact you shortly with a details about you ventrilo interview. Possibly you could post wowarmory link and tell us more about your l2 experience as i would be interested in that. Thx.
First of all, thanks for replying, 2nd, sure. As for Lineage2 experience, retail was only low lvls, id say till about lvl 33, rocking brigadine sets while selling stuff in dion , it was a long long time ago. Played tons of private servers going from oldschool extreme server to l2inc and a faction server. Sylvanas : plus a 70 paladin alt Zenedar : WAR we played on the server named Eltharion with a guild called KrOm. Martijn
Thanks for applying to XoO. Certainly gets my approval, but unfortunantly im not a decision maker Good luck with the app!
Hey, thanks for the application for you both. Due to us now nearing max capacity (Currently 80+ members) we are going to need to take time and look through the apps a bit more than usual to make sure we get the right classes. I dont have time right now but i'll PM you the vent details tomorrow so you can both jump on and we can have a chat about the apps
Very detailed application and a good backgroud in MMO's and general in gaming. Good luck with your applications!
Thanks for the update , very nice indeed! I support these guys to be accepted due to very good mmorpg background. /join
Thanks for all the positive reply's ! Can't wait to hop on vent with you guys Talkin bout oldschool games as L2 I figured I would dig in photobucket to find some oldschool epic moments or atleast for me they we're epic. Can't help I used paint so much those days since that was *needed* on l2guru to cover your level etc... We used shifts to level eachother in those days... 1 guy played rest was on L2walker.. First +7 BoP on retail Kain ToI floor 9 Our clan owned certain catacombs. Chinese adena farmers we're allowed to farm in there if they powerleveled our characters some pvp stuff. Too bad i don't have more of it. I hope I can have these *epic* moment in AION with you guys
nice pics and screenshots the vent details are in your inbox please join us when you can for an interview.
Reason and I have been accepted for a Legion that focusses a lot more on hardcore pvp. I do wish you guys the best of luck and success in achieving the Legion goals. Maybe our paths will cross in the future. Thanks for your time and interests in reading our application. Justus - Agony